"Practice Makes Perfect"
TLT PLAY BOOK (Workbook) is filled with exercises designed to reinforce your new grammar knowledge using our "fun-focused, picture-packed theatrical method".
Like our Textbook, each Part of Speech gets a chapter in this PLAY BOOK (Workbook), a more difficult Extra Practice Chapter at the end, plus the answer key. Visual Learning continues to be our focus, giving a “face” to each part of speech which creates characters we all remember. This makes grammar study so much more grounded and well, “once you meet VERB, you know VERB!”
Plus, we have a "fan favorite" at the end of this b/w workbook starting on Page 82; namely three "Silly Scripts Pics" (see examples left) - TLT provides the Silly Pic and you create stories to match the pictures.

Smile as you reinforce your grammar knowledge!
This PLAY BOOK (Workbook) is very popular as a stand-alone but (fair warning!) it has been known to inspire the purchase of The Language Theater Grammar TEXTBOOK.
To Color or Not to Color: Either way, this PLAY BOOK (Workbook) gives you a great "play-out" and author Maria Beatty says that drawing and/or coloring is a useful learning "heart-opener" for many of her students! Finally, does anyone want to get a head start for their children? (Hint: Little ones love to color!)

CLICK HERE TO BUY The TLT Grammar Textbook!