5 Reasons Why It's Better to Learn Grammar Than to Use Grammarly

Grammarly Alternative

Grammarly is a cross-platform cloud-based typing assistant with a Ukrainian American headquarters that checks spelling, grammar, punctuation, clarity, engagement, and delivery errors. 

It uses artificial intelligence to detect and find a suitable substitute for the fault it discovers. 

There is nothing wrong with utilizing technology. There are other tools out that are great in a pinch.

Grammarly is one of the biggest examples of why people should focus on learning grammar. It’s been a useful technological tool for those who may need help with their writing, especially in professional writing. You can use it as an aid, but sometimes even the best technological inventions fail us. I’ve had instances where people have used Grammarly, and it’s noticeable in their writing.

Why? It’s not their thoughts or their expression. 

It’s no substitute for learning grammar the right way though.

If you're reading this, you're probably familiar with English grammar. You understand how to arrange words in a logical manner and add the appropriate ends. 

You know how to make combinations of sounds and letters that others can comprehend whether or not you've ever opened a grammar book. After all, English had been in use for almost a thousand years prior to the publication of the first grammar books.

Even though we have never studied grammar, many of us can communicate well in our original languages. To learn a language, you don't need to study grammar.

So the question isn't whether you need to, but if you should.  

  1. Using Written Communication Effectively
  2. Communicating Effectively Using Spoken Language
  3. Being Mindful and Applying Rules of Grammar 
  4. Being Human 
  5. Learning Grammar Builds Problem Solving Skills
  6. The Bottom Line 

Let’s Begin 

Using Written Communication Effectively

You will be able to speak clearly using written language if you have strong grammar. You understand how to utilize words and punctuation to convey your message to the majority of readers.

This will make it easier for you to entertain, inform, educate, or entertain your readers. Even if you have a tool by your side, it doesn’t assist you in writing organized thoughts. It may help your punctuation or restructure some thoughts, but it’s not a replacement for understanding why you are writing the way that you are. 

Communicating Effectively Using Spoken Language

Grammar isn’t solely focused on written language either. Unfortunately, a tool like Grammarly only aids with written language.  

Grammar is crucial not just in writing but also in spoken communication. Although grammar rules are less strict when speaking, grammatical errors in communication are nevertheless important.

It gets annoying when there are too many grammatical faults and bad spoken language. Others will struggle to grasp what you're saying as a result of this. It depends on the scenario and who you're speaking with, though.

Being Mindful and Applying the Rules of Grammar

You’ll impress your peers with your ability to be mindful of your grammar.  If you understand why you apply the rules, you don't need a tool to help you. You’d be surprised how unique it is to understand and apply grammar rules to your writing. 

Finally, "excellent grammar" refers to the capacity to comprehend and apply basic grammatical rules and usages. While laws aren't always etched in stone, the fundamental principles are important to grasp and apply correctly.

After all, knowing what an apostrophe is, is one thing, but knowing where to use one is quite another.

Being Human 

Robots and technology can’t replace human emotion. Language is a representation of our thoughts, human emotion, and our creativity. 

Almost everything we do as humans is influenced by language. We are unable to function without the use of language. It would take a lot of effort to grasp the language component of our life. Grammar, on the other hand, is the structuring basis of language.

Nonetheless, our language has the potential to fail us. We come across uncertainty and incomprehensible speech or writing. To address these issues, we must examine grammar closely and determine what went wrong. This is especially important when youngsters, your kids, are learning to mimic the standards of their community's educated adults.

Learning Grammar Builds Problem Solving Skills

You should be more aware of the power, flexibility, and diversity of our language after learning grammar. You can use  it and judge others' use of it too. In addition to grasping language, you’ll build problem solving skills.  

Effective problem-solving abilities typically result in people who are "happier, more confident, and more autonomous." There have been studies that show that children who learn problem solving skills early are better off.

Children grow resilient when they face difficulties on their own or in a group. They learn to approach problems with a fresh perspective too. 

The Bottom Line 

After installing Grammarly, think about yourself, too. 

Grammarly assists you in identifying and correcting problems in your writing as well as finding the right words to express yourself. It isn’t perfect though.  It can replace you. Grammarly will provide you real-time comments on Gmail, Google Docs, Twitter, LinkedIn, and practically everywhere else you write except for instances where it might not be accessible. 

I have found myself using Grammarly and don’t blame you if you do.

The main difference is I didn’t use it as a substitute to learn. Grammarly is a writing tool that provides you with precise recommendations to help you improve your writing.  It doesn’t always have the right approach though.

Tools like Grammarly fall short of learning grammar. If you want to have control of your expression, aim at learning grammar the correct way. Start with the basics.  You can benefit from seeing the difference between Grammarly and your thoughts. 

You’d be surprised how quickly you can grasp it too. 

While we understand Grammarly can be essential for those who genuinely need assistance and in no way condemn you for using it, learning grammar isn’t hard if you start with the basics. 

It can be fun to learn grammar. You can learn grammar with the right tools.  In the end, it will change your life.

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